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Pinned feature request

PINNED Navigation between platform products
A way to navigate to Qgiv and Bloomerang Volunteer without having to open a new browser tab or use a bookmark.
PINNED Indicate the fundraiser of a gift (eg major gift officers, board, fundraiser hosts) without using soft credits
Provide a way to clearly indicate the person who asked for a gift without using soft credits. This could help by keeping soft credit use cases separately, and enable future analysis features around solicitor performance. examples: Major gift offic...

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Showing 812

Signup Deadlines on Shifts

Create a way for schedules to "fall off" or close one week prior to shift date. for example volunteers would not see or be able to sign up for shifts today or this week.
10 months ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

See pledge balance in constituent header or summary

I would like to see the balance on the Constituent's Profile, I mostly enter deposits on a daily and it makes it difficult to look for when a Constituent ask what their balance owed is.
over 2 years ago in Summary & Header 0 Not Prioritized

Event Ticket Waitlist

Provide a waitlist for prospective attendees when a ticketed event is sold out. This would allow organizations to reach out to constituents on the waitlist, or even send an automated email when a ticket becomes available.
over 1 year ago in Event management 0 Not Prioritized

add empty/unfilled shifts to email

we'd like to send a broadcast to volunteers when there are openings in the schedule or empty shifts. adding a feature to the email to show open shifts as a preview (the way it shows shifts they're scheduled for) would be helpful! that way before t...
8 months ago in 4. Engagement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Improve tribute list navigation (sort, filter)

Improve tribute list navigation (sort, filter) to make it easier to find a specific tribute to update.
8 months ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

Save Default Values For Interactions Entry

The ability to save temporary default values for donations speeds up the process of entering multiple donations considerably. The ability to do this same thing for Interactions would be a great timesaver as well!
8 months ago in Timeline 0 Not Prioritized

Remember recent constituent searches between logins

Remember recent constituent searches between logins so that you can navigate to a constituent you'd been working on in a previous session.
8 months ago in Search 1 Not Prioritized

Anniversary Reminder Function

. I can’t set up a report or schedule a function to send an anniversary email to donors (their first, second, etc. anniversary of their first gift. This would be especially effective for recurring donors. 
about 1 year ago in Automation / Email 1 Not Prioritized

Improve email formatting in Bloomerang Volunteer

We really like the cabilities of the template builder and email formatting in Bloomerang Donor! However, we just tried to send a newseltter through Bloomerang Volunteer and it does not look as nice since it doesn't allow us to move blocks and do m...
over 1 year ago in 4. Engagement (VMS) 3 Under Consideration

Household name merge fields in emails

We would like to send thank you letters via email to our donors at times. In the salutation of the letter we would like to use the household informal names (e.g. husband AND wife), not just the informal name of the constituent who has the the tran...
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications 1 Already exists