I would like to suggest a change to the Find Constituent button. Can the box that appears below when you start typing in a name be changed to where there is an additional option to create a new constituent. It takes too many steps when trying to add a new constituent after double checking that they're not already in the system.
For example: Before adding a new constituent, I always double check that they're not already in the system. The box below will either give me similar names, or no constituent found. If not constituent is found, I must press return and then it takes me to a whole new screen where I have to click the blue add new constituent button. Adding this option would speed up mass data entry by cutting down on the amount of clicks and new pages being loaded.
Please revisit this request; In addition, add the button to add a new constituent right after you save one. When we are adding a husband & wife, we have to do everything 2x, plus create a household. Make this process seamless!
Yes, please add this icon to the right of the search bar so that it is easily accessible!
I would love to see this happen!! In addition, add the button to add a new constituent right after you save one. When we are adding a husband & wife, we have to do everything 2x, plus create a household. Make this process seamless!