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Pinned feature request

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PINNED Print a batch of tax summaries for the year
I saw Tax Summaries on the bottom of each constituent's Profile page, but there's not a way to print those in a batch for year-end reporting purposes.
PINNED Apply third party gifts (soft credits) to pledges
Allow a payment sent through a third party intermediary (ie donor advised fund, workplace giving program, United Way) to count as a payment towards a donor's pledge.

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Showing 498

Improve letter list navigation (search, sort, folders, deactivate)

Improve letter list navigation (search, sort, folders) so that you can organize and find letters easily.
over 1 year ago in Donor Communications / Letters 4 Not Prioritized
127 VOTE

Option to require custom fields for specific online forms, without having them be required for manual entry

Currently, constituents do not need to fill out custom fields to submit a form. And oftentimes an organization wants a field to be required for a specific form, but not for all their constituents or transactions. Adding the option to make custom f...
over 2 years ago in Forms / Online Fundraising 6 Not Prioritized

Better workflow when household member becomes deceased

More streamlined workflow to update the household salutation names and perhaps update the head of household when a constituent is marked as deceased, rather than trying to remember what to change.
about 2 years ago in Relationship & Households 4 Not Prioritized

Bulk update the relationship manager on constituents

Update the relationship manager on multiple constituents at once more efficiently.
4 months ago in Bulk Update / Relationship & Households 3 Not Prioritized

Brand fonts for emails

Brand fonts for emails Note: This idea is split from fonts for letters because of different technical restrictions on how fonts display in email inboxes vs what's possible with print media. To vote for more fonts in letters, please see this idea: ...
6 months ago in Email 0 Not Prioritized

Smarter salutation name defaults when creating a new household

When you create a new household, all the household salutation names copy from the household name. The salutation names can be customized, but smarter defaults could streamline data entry.
2 months ago in Relationship & Households 1 Not Prioritized

Export multi-line addresses as separate columns for mailhouses

Export multi-line address blocks in a way that's easy for a mailhouse to handle. Maillhouses often ask their customers to split the addresses into multiple columns before sending a file to them.
about 2 years ago in Reporting 12 Not Prioritized

Maiden Name or Alias field to check when searching

A way to track other names a constituent might use (such as maiden name or nickname) so you can search for the person more easily.
about 2 years ago in Search 5 Not Prioritized

Track pronouns on constituents

Track pronouns in a built-in field, rather than relying on custom fields, prefixes, or gender.
over 1 year ago in Profile 4 Not Prioritized

Create a "View email in your browser" link for each email

Create a "View email in your browser" link for each email so that you can keep an inventory of past newsletters on your website, post on social media, or share access to someone who didn't get the email when it was originally sent.
over 1 year ago in Email 4 Not Prioritized