Currently, constituents do not need to fill out custom fields to submit a form. And oftentimes an organization wants a field to be required for a specific form, but not for all their constituents or transactions.
Adding the option to make custom fields are required for specific online forms, without having them be required for manual entry, would improve an organization's donor experience and data accuracy.
For the similar idea to make phone numbers required on online forms, please upvote Option to require phone number on forms
We need to be able to make questions on forms required without making it required in the profile or interactions or other areas of Bloom. For example, we have an Interaction form where people can request a photo from our online photo gallery ( The Photo ID field has to be required in order for us to process the requests, but we can't make it required on the form, without having to fill in that info for ALL interactions. Photo requests are less than 10% of interactions we track; we can either put 0 in that field for every interaction or make the field not required - neither of which are good solutions.
It would be great to have control over which basic info fields are required on constituent forms. Especially address or at least zip code field.
It would be nice to be able to require fields on certain forms (but not others) and not require them on the profile. For example, we have an yes/no "email updates/newsletter" custom constituent field on a number of our "Constituent Info" forms. We started by requiring it on all of the forms, but quickly learned that we were unable to update a records Profile without including that information and certain interactions (email, in person, etc) don't provide a natural opportunity to ask that question. So now it's no longer required on our forms - being able to require it for a form but not for a record/profile would be very helpful.
agreed, would be great to be able to add custom fields to forms, to ask more specific questions
We have found some success in self-hosting the form and then altering the HTML code to add required fields, but it does make it difficult to make changes to the form later on (you have to go in and make those changes to the code).