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Pinned feature request

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PINNED Apply other household members' payments to pledges
Allow a payment made by a different household member to count as a payment towards a donor's pledge.
PINNED Show Relationship Note in the list of Relationships
When there are multiple contacts for an Organization, the Note would allow us to specify who we contact for what and show it on the Relationships list without having to click through each person to find the right contact. For example, if there's a...

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Showing 783 of 783

Add a description to each import template

Add a description to each import template so that you can document internal context like when it should be used.
9 months ago in Import 0 Not Prioritized

Export file attachments along with the database backup

Export file attachments along with the database backup so that you don't have to contact the Bloomerang services team to get a copy of all your file attachments.
9 months ago in Settings 0 Not Prioritized

Add a membership dues payment without pushing out the next payment date

Similar to the "Add as an extra payment" feature for recurring donation schedules.
9 months ago in Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

Archive of Updates to Bloomerang Volunteer

I would like to see a list of changes when Bloomerang Volunteer is updated and new features are added. If something changes, there is currently no place to see what was changed/added and in what capacity. It would be nice to have an archive of upd...
10 months ago in Bloomerang Volunteer 1 Already exists

Set membership end dates automatically

For example, offering a three year membership commitment.
11 months ago in Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

Master Scheduling

This is useful when we have more than 100+ volunteer roles occurring on the same day and those roles are separated according to location but are still similar to one another. It gives us an overall view of coverage.
11 months ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 3 Under Consideration

When searching for a tribute, show if it's in honor or memory

When you search for someone in the tribute section of a donation, if they are already added it needs to show if that person was added for honor or in memory.
12 months ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Use default fund when importing donations with missing fund data

Use default fund when importing donations with missing fund data
over 1 year ago in Import 0 Not Prioritized

Edit tribute details from a transaction

Edit all tribute details from a transaction so you don't have to open the tribute in a new tab or search the tribute list in order to modify it.
over 1 year ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Increase import limit to more than 10k rows

Increase import limit to more than 10k rows so that you can import higher volumes of historical data without splitting up your file.
over 1 year ago in Import 0 Not Prioritized