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Pinned feature request

PINNED Indicate the fundraiser of a gift (eg major gift officers, board, fundraiser hosts) without using soft credits
Provide a way to clearly indicate the person who asked for a gift without using soft credits. This could help by keeping soft credit use cases separately, and enable future analysis features around solicitor performance. examples: Major gift offic...
PINNED Navigation between platform products
A way to navigate to Qgiv and Bloomerang Volunteer without having to open a new browser tab or use a bookmark.

All Requests

Showing 812

Edit Button Text for Organization Signup

I would like to be able to change the text on the "signup" button of the main organization page, similar to how it can be edited on the opportunity pages. For example, we would prefer something other than "Signup For This Organization" since we do...
12 months ago in 1. Recruitment (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

📱Use the mobile app without an internet connection

Use of the mobile app currently requires a data connection to your device. How would you use the ability to work offline and have data sync and donations process once you reestablish a data connection?
12 months ago in Mobile App 0 Under Consideration

Save bulk delete list criteria & list of what data will be deleted

Please create the function to both save the criteria used in mass deletes, and also add the option to export the mass delete report with customizable output columns before or after deleting.
almost 2 years ago in Bulk Delete 0 Not Prioritized

Digital membership card

It would be great if donors could receive a digital membership card in their donation confirmation either with a code, qr code, or barcode that stated their name, level of donation, and expiration date.
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email 0 Not Prioritized

Add a food bank inventory management solution

Examples: Tracking quantity of food (typically pounds) Merge fields for quantity (current custom fields don't format the commas in large numbers) Mobile scanning for donation drop offs Inventory management
almost 2 years ago in Platform (general) 1 Not Prioritized

Label the interaction with individual/organization name in timeline of household

Within the Household timeline of interactions there is the complied list of the interactions from each individual and organization in the timeline. By adding the name of the Organization or Individual to the interaction title automatically, then o...
over 1 year ago in Relationship & Households / Timeline Management 0 Not Prioritized

Email automation for assigned shifts

It would be useful if an automated email could be sent to staff who are assigned a shift by an event Manager (via Roster Mode or when managers promote staff from the waitlist).
about 1 year ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Customize rates to determine an accurate value of volunteer hours

For my organization, we have to report the value of hours volunteered to grantors, etc. However, different roles have different values. For example, a dentist would be rated at $100/hour while a receptionist would be rated at $15/hour. Currently, ...
about 1 year ago in 5. Attendance Tracking & Hours Worked (VMS) 2 Under Consideration

Sign up for shifts via account-based groups

It would be great if we could bulk sign-up an entire group for a shift. I know you can do this for number-based groups, but we have a lot of committees that go to particular events and it would be nice if we didn't have to sign them up on by one, ...
about 1 year ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Different timeline icons for email and mass email

It would be great if the icons were different colors to indicate a mass email vs a regular email.
over 2 years ago in Timeline 0 Not Prioritized