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Pinned feature request

PINNED Navigation between platform products
A way to navigate to Qgiv and Bloomerang Volunteer without having to open a new browser tab or use a bookmark.
PINNED Indicate the fundraiser of a gift (eg major gift officers, board, fundraiser hosts) without using soft credits
Provide a way to clearly indicate the person who asked for a gift without using soft credits. This could help by keeping soft credit use cases separately, and enable future analysis features around solicitor performance. examples: Major gift offic...

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Showing 812

Customize Signup Notification Emails

The confirmation emails that are sent to us after a volunteer signs up are too generic and the format is not able to be edited by us. We are a community garden organization and our staff is out in the field so it's rarely an option to be able to l...
7 months ago in 4. Engagement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Search for a constituent based on a custom field

At the time we were considering Bloomerang, we emphasized the need to search our constituents by our institutions ID # and was told we could. During implementation, we learned that was not an option but could request it to be added as a Feature.
over 1 year ago in Search 0 Not Prioritized

Lock Schedule - Request Shift Cancellation

On a former volunteer software that I used, I was able to "lock" the schedule 5 days prior to the volunteer shift. This way, if a volunteer wanted to remove themselves, they would need to contact me. I, of course, would remove them on their reques...
7 months ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

View email status on timeline

When viewing a constituent's timeline, I would love to see the status of mass email interactions (whether it was opened, unopened, or bounced). Right now, a quick glance of the timeline shows me supposed interactions and can give the impression th...
over 1 year ago in Timeline 1 Not Prioritized

Gifted memberships

Way for a person to pay for a membership, but gift the membership benefits to a friend.
over 1 year ago in Transactions 1 Not Prioritized

Allow sms texts even for those who have the app

Our org is located where cell signal is not great, and data connection even worst. We would like to default to everyone receiving sms text notifications instead of in app notifications if they have the app (sms can go through with just a few secon...
7 months ago in 4. Engagement (VMS) 1 Under Consideration

for volunteers: display upcoming assigned shifts to dashboard

Desktop specific - Feedback from some volunteers is they would like to see the assigned shifts to display immediately instead of having to navigate to the schedule.
about 1 year ago in 5. Attendance Tracking & Hours Worked (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Bulk complete tasks

I was able to create bulk tasks and did so for a planned mailing (outside of bloomerang). Now I have to click each record to complete the task to save as an interaction. Since the task is indentical for each record a bulk option would be great.
over 2 years ago in Bulk Update / Donor Communications / Email / Task Management 1 Not Prioritized

Ability to lock a constituent record so that it cannot be merged

We have many records of people with similar names and sometimes these records get merged when they shouldn't be. It would be great if we could lock VIP records to prevent them from being merged or deleted.
7 months ago in Merge Duplicates / Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Add ability to add an attachment to a broadcast (or a link to an attachment)

Adding the ability to either broadcast an attachment to individuals or a group, add an attachment to a shift (example would be a list of instructions or orientation material); or even to be able to add a clickable link to a broadcast that someone ...
about 1 year ago in 4. Engagement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration