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Donor Communications

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Create non-donor surveys with custom audiences and questions

Create non-donor surveys with custom audiences and questions to analyze other kinds of constituents like board members, volunteers, program participants, etc.
8 months ago in Engagement Surveys 2 Not Prioritized

Create custom tribute types

Create custom tribute types so that you can clarify what the donor is specifically honoring using the type instead of the tribute's name. For example, instead of creating an "In honor of" tribute for "Jane's birthday", you might create an "In hono...
8 months ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Add constituent to a specific group when they submit an online form

I need the ability for a user filling out a Constituent form to be automatically added to a specific User Group based on which form they fill out
8 months ago in Forms / Groups 2 Not Prioritized

Indicate if tribute is also a constituent

Currently, tributes don't have to be constituents, which can be helpful if they aren't directly engaged with your organization (for example, an animal welfare organization may receive gifts "in honor of my dog Scout"). But when the person named in...
about 2 years ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

Resizable text boxes

Resizable text boxes or a way to enlarge text boxes to better view information. This would especially be useful for notes & interactions. My nonprofit likes to copy and paste entire emails we have sent, but the box is so small. The text box I'...
about 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Timeline 5 Not Prioritized

Option to create receipt letter during transaction entry (not just acknowledgement letters)

Currently, you can create an acknowledgement letter during transaction entry. If you want to create a payment confirmation receipt that does not serve as an acknowledgement, you can only do that from the Communications section. This idea would let...
7 months ago in Donor Communications / Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

Format letter envelopes

There is currently no way to format the envelope text in the Letters function. If you want the address in a different font (that matches the letter font, say) or you want the address block anywhere other than the exact middle, then you are out of ...
about 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Letters 0 Not Prioritized

Send a payment reminder from a constituent's profile

Send a payment reminder from a constituent's profile so that you can quickly generate the invoice while you're looking at their record instead of sending it through the Communications section.
7 months ago in Constituents / Donor Communications 0 Not Prioritized

More easily send a communication to specific organization contacts related to a specific organization

More easily send a communication to specific employees of a company (eg tag which contact should receive acknowledgements).
over 1 year ago in Donor Communications 0 Not Prioritized

Ability to customize the format of tax summaries

Ability to customize the format of tax summaries like color, spacing, etc.
9 months ago in Tax Summaries 1 Not Prioritized