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Pinned feature request

PINNED Indicate the fundraiser of a gift (eg major gift officers, board, fundraiser hosts) without using soft credits
Provide a way to clearly indicate the person who asked for a gift without using soft credits. This could help by keeping soft credit use cases separately, and enable future analysis features around solicitor performance. examples: Major gift offic...
PINNED Navigation between platform products
A way to navigate to Qgiv and Bloomerang Volunteer without having to open a new browser tab or use a bookmark.

All Requests

Showing 806

Use State Abbreviations

It would be extremely helpful to use State abbreviations instead of the full name when adding a new address. Most new addresses are found with the donation in the abbreviated format. I also do not have all of the abbreviations memorized.
about 1 year ago in Profile 2 Not Prioritized

Bulk update interactions

Nice that you have added some volunteer support, but now some of our custom fields are effectively superfluous and we'd like to update old interactions to use the new values (for consistency in reporting going forward) as the new standard Voluntee...
almost 2 years ago in Bulk Update 0 Not Prioritized

Import recurring schedules

Create new recurring schedules from an external file.
over 2 years ago in Import 0 Not Prioritized

Ability to set organization time zone

I am dumbfounded that there is no option to set a time zone for the org. It is such a basic feature that I didn't even think to ask if it exists. Now, we've discovered we need to manually set the time zone every time we create an opportunity. Real...
5 months ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 0 In Progress

Use interaction custom fields on tasks

Use interaction custom fields on tasks so that you can segment tasks based on custom information and track the values on the interactions created when you complete the task.
over 1 year ago in Task Management 2 Not Prioritized

Ability to Schedule Individual Roles at Specific Times within a Shift

This would benefit event and shift managers, as well as volunteers. Having the ability to adjust different times to roles within a shift would streamline communication between volunteers. It would also allow event managers and shift managers to sc...
5 months ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Customize the formula for recognition names for your organization

Customize the formula for recognition names for your organization so you can get the precise naming conventions you prefer without updating all the recognition names by hand or via an import.
over 1 year ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

See primary contact name in the constituent header

See primary contact name in the constituent header so you don't have to check on the Profile page.
over 1 year ago in Summary & Header 1 Not Prioritized

I would like to be able to edit both name and email regardless whether claimed on not

I would like to be able to edit both name and email regardless whether claimed on not. Some don’t capitalize their name, some make a rookie error at .com in email. They all say it’s a bit difficult to change in the system for some reason, and it w...
5 months ago in 2. Qualifying, Screening, & Records (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Please add a calendar view of upcoming volunteer opportunities.

Without a calendar view, it is hard to see on a daily basis which volunteers will be coming in for what opportunity.
5 months ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration