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Pinned feature request

PINNED Indicate the fundraiser of a gift (eg major gift officers, board, fundraiser hosts) without using soft credits
Provide a way to clearly indicate the person who asked for a gift without using soft credits. This could help by keeping soft credit use cases separately, and enable future analysis features around solicitor performance. examples: Major gift offic...
PINNED Navigation between platform products
A way to navigate to Qgiv and Bloomerang Volunteer without having to open a new browser tab or use a bookmark.

All Requests

Showing 806

Opportunity based Email Automation (versus staff based)

One key reason our Org chose Bloomerang Volunteer was because the breakout of Opportunity (versus Organization) allowed us to assign roles specific to the opportunity even though the person may have qualifications (and roles) that differ in other ...
about 1 year ago in 4. Engagement (VMS) 1 Under Consideration

Group Name Displaying instead of Leader

We would like to be able to see the Group Name instead of the Group Leader when we refer to the schedule. It would also be helpful if there was a way to track groups and specific organizations
about 1 year ago in 5. Attendance Tracking & Hours Worked (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Map the mobile fields in Salesforce to the mobile field in bloomerang

Salesforce contains 2 phone fields - a mobile field and a phone field. Bloomerang only syncs the phone field during a sync. But most volunteers have populated the mobile field in Salesforce. We'd like to see the sync map the mobile to mobile field
9 months ago in VMS Integrations & API 0 Under Consideration

Bulk update task due date

Hi, I created a bulk task from a report (first time) then realized I needed to edit the due date - I had almost 1400 records and couldn't edit/delete or complete them in bulk. I was able to bulk delete and create a new bulk task BUT it would be am...
4 months ago in Bulk Update 0 Not Prioritized

Support multiple suffixes on a constituent

Support multiple suffixes on a constituent so that you can track multiple professional certifications in the suffix field, rather than relying on tracking the suffixes as part of the salutation names.
9 months ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Copy address from the profile header

A way to copy the full address from a constituent's profile header so that you can paste it in another place without needing to drag your cursor to select just the address.
about 1 year ago in Summary & Header 0 Not Prioritized

Users should be able to tell which permissions they have

Make it easier for users to identify if they're an Admin or standard user, let standard users see which specific permissions they do and don't have, and clearly indicate who a user can contact in their team to get their access changed.
about 2 years ago in Users 0 Not Prioritized

Minimum/Maximum Staff just counting volunteers

Currently the minimum/maximum staff for opportunities is a little muddied because if we need 30 volunteer staff each weekend, but we have 15 staff on site already - we would have to put "45" in the Minimum staff number for the total needed staff t...
about 1 year ago in 1. Recruitment (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Ability to block volunteers

We've had a few incidents of volunteers not adhering to our code of conduct. While we can simply remove them, there is no way to keep them from signing up again. The ability to block a person by email would be really helpful
9 months ago in 2. Qualifying, Screening, & Records (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Option to consolidate split payments in tax summaries

Option to consolidate split payments in tax summaries for situations where donors just need payment details and don't want to see details about how each split was designated.
9 months ago in Tax Summaries 0 Not Prioritized