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Pinned feature request

PINNED Indicate the fundraiser of a gift (eg major gift officers, board, fundraiser hosts) without using soft credits
Provide a way to clearly indicate the person who asked for a gift without using soft credits. This could help by keeping soft credit use cases separately, and enable future analysis features around solicitor performance. examples: Major gift offic...
PINNED Navigation between platform products
A way to navigate to Qgiv and Bloomerang Volunteer without having to open a new browser tab or use a bookmark.

All Requests

Showing 812

📱Mobile Activity Feed Filtering

We're considering adding filtering to the Activity Feed. That might mean that you'd be able to filter by campaign or fund for donations, or by activity type, or other criteria. What filtering options would you like to see on the Activity Feed? Ple...
almost 3 years ago in Mobile App 4 Under Consideration

Track lifetime memberships

Track lifetime memberships that never lapse using the membership management feature. This would let you can see whether someone is a lifetime member in the same places you'd see paying memberships.
9 months ago in Custom Data 0 Not Prioritized

Multifactor authentication options (MFA)

Additional multifactor authentication options, beyond the existing two factor authentication (2FA). Examples might include: Authenticator app or SMS
over 1 year ago in Users 1 Not Prioritized

Delete a campaign

If a campaign is created in error it should be deletable if no transactions are associated with it
almost 2 years ago in Custom Data 0 Not Prioritized

Organization Level - View currently checked in volunteers live

Implement a way to see currently checked in volunteers liveThis would be useful for the volunteer coordinator to see who is currently checked in and actively volunteering in the building. Rather than having to pull an excel sheet of every single v...
7 months ago in 5. Attendance Tracking & Hours Worked (VMS) 3 Under Consideration

Letter Page Breaks

It would be extremely helpful to be able to include page breaks in multiple-page letters. Currently, I have to add extra spaces...and it is still not perfect. For example, if a constituent has a 2-line address vs. 3 lines, it can change the positi...
over 2 years ago in Letters 3 Not Prioritized

Show deceased status for a related constituent

It would be useful to list someone as deceased on the Relationship page as well as on their individual record.
over 2 years ago in Relationship & Households 1 Under Consideration

Toggle Off Shift Roles and Title Requirements

Our programs each have their own opportunity for scheduling and don't have different roles for volunteers to help with. We've currently been putting 'General Volunteer' for the Role requirement but it would be much simpler to have an option to tog...
2 months ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 0 Not Prioritized

Flexible Hourly Self-Scheduling for Open Volunteer Hours

Most of our program volunteer opportunities are scheduled per a volunteer's availability during our open 'business' hours (9a-5p), not a set 2-3 hour shift time. It would be extremely helpful to have a self-scheduling option where we can input sta...
2 months ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Edit a constituent's sort name

Edit a constituent's sort name so that you can define where they should show up in a report that's sorted by sort name.
12 months ago in Profile 1 Not Prioritized