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Pinned feature request

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PINNED Apply other household members' payments to pledges
Allow a payment made by a different household member to count as a payment towards a donor's pledge.
PINNED Indicate the fundraiser of a gift (eg major gift officers, board, fundraiser hosts) without using soft credits
Provide a way to clearly indicate the person who asked for a gift without using soft credits. This could help by keeping soft credit use cases separately, and enable future analysis features around solicitor performance. examples: Major gift offic...

All Requests

Showing 502

Online membership renewals

Way for existing members to renew online without creating a new membership
8 months ago in Online Fundraising 0 Not Prioritized

Multifactor authentication options (MFA)

Additional multifactor authentication options, beyond the existing two factor authentication (2FA). Examples might include: Authenticator app or SMS
over 1 year ago in Users 1 Not Prioritized

Create a new constituent from soft credit screen

When adding a transaction to the timeline that includes a soft credit, when you search for the soft credit constituent, if they are not found, it would be so much easier to be able to add a new one from that screen. Right now we have to save the t...
4 months ago in Constituents / Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

Convert a recurring donation payment to a pledge payment

When a donor sets up a recurring donation schedule, it would be really helpful to change the recurring donations to a pledge payment.
about 1 year ago in Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

Letter Page Breaks

It would be extremely helpful to be able to include page breaks in multiple-page letters. Currently, I have to add extra spaces...and it is still not perfect. For example, if a constituent has a 2-line address vs. 3 lines, it can change the positi...
about 2 years ago in Letters 3 Not Prioritized

Sync tasks with calendar

It would be much more useful when I create a task for it to be added to my Outlook calendar rather than reminders to be sent through email.
over 2 years ago in Task Management 0 Not Prioritized

Better way to track gifts that are a "in honor of" and "in memory of" the same person

Better way to track gifts that are a "in honor of" and "in memory of" the same person.
11 months ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Merge field for just the tribute's first name

Merge field for just the tribute's first name (rather than the full tribute name) in order to create content with a more personalized tone.
11 months ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

"Add New" Option in Custom Data Dropdowns when creating a donation record

When entering a new donation, have an "Add New" option for the dropdowns like Campaign and Appeal. This helps streamline entry of gifts when for a new appeal or campaign.
9 months ago in Custom Data / Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

Events can leverage Crowdfunding/Peer to Peer functionality

The ability to run events with crowdfunding functionality.
over 1 year ago in Event management 0 Not Prioritized