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Pinned feature request

PINNED Indicate the fundraiser of a gift (eg major gift officers, board, fundraiser hosts) without using soft credits
Provide a way to clearly indicate the person who asked for a gift without using soft credits. This could help by keeping soft credit use cases separately, and enable future analysis features around solicitor performance. examples: Major gift offic...
PINNED Navigation between platform products
A way to navigate to Qgiv and Bloomerang Volunteer without having to open a new browser tab or use a bookmark.

All Requests

Showing 806

Emojis in email subject line

We'd love to be able to use emoji's in our email subject line. We find that emojis in subject lines help increase open rates.
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email 19 Already exists

Find a tribute in the tribute list by searching for its name

Find a tribute in the tribute list by searching for its name.
about 2 years ago in Tributes 7 Not Prioritized

Record and send thank you videos

Record and send thank you videos from a mobile phone
over 1 year ago in Donor Communications / Email / Mobile App 0 Under Consideration

Streamline creating organization contacts/employees

Streamline the steps to create a new constituent and add an employee/employer relationship. Known pain points include: Very different workflow for the 1st contact person vs the 2nd contact person Number of steps it takes to go to constituent dashb...
over 1 year ago in Profile 2 Not Prioritized

Built-in support for seasonal addresses

Built-in support for seasonal addresses. Some ideas might include: A way for you to indicate the date range when an address is where a constituent prefers to receive mail Automatically changing which address is primary so you don't have to remember
about 2 years ago in Profile 1 Not Prioritized

Streamline generating soft credit acknowledgement letters

Currently, you can add a soft credit when you enter a transaction. After saving, you can navigate to the soft credit and generate an acknowledgment letter from the Edit Soft Credit screen. This workflow takes several steps and could be streamlined...
7 months ago in Donor Communications / Transactions 1 Not Prioritized

Donor pyramid data visualization

Chart showing the tiers of the donor pyramid (for example: small, mid-level, and major donors). Could include stats about the number of donors and dollars at each level, or click-through reports to a dynamic groups of constituents at each level.
8 months ago in Home Dashboard 4 Under Consideration

Create a pledge that will be split across multiple funds/campaigns/etc

Rather than creating two pledges, this idea would let you indicate how the donor intends to split their payments on one pledge record. (for reference, payments can already be split to indicate they're covering multiple pledges, this idea would cha...
about 2 years ago in Transactions 1 Not Prioritized

Name merge fields in email subject line

Adding merge variables in the subject line, especially the FIRST NAME. For an email communications tool, it is an extremely important feature for improving open and click-through rate (CTR).
over 2 years ago in Email 14 Not Prioritized

Automated Expiration for Bloomerang Volunteer Qualifications

Our background checks expire after a certain number of years with the organization, and it would be great if we could keep track of that in Bloomerang Volunteer (i.e. an automated reminder to admin that the qualification will expire soon or someth...
9 months ago in 2. Qualifying, Screening, & Records (VMS) 0 Under Consideration