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Remember recent constituent searches between logins

Remember recent constituent searches between logins so that you can navigate to a constituent you'd been working on in a previous session.
7 months ago in Search 1 Not Prioritized

See pledge balance in constituent header or summary

I would like to see the balance on the Constituent's Profile, I mostly enter deposits on a daily and it makes it difficult to look for when a Constituent ask what their balance owed is.
about 2 years ago in Summary & Header 0 Not Prioritized

Create a new constituent from soft credit screen

When adding a transaction to the timeline that includes a soft credit, when you search for the soft credit constituent, if they are not found, it would be so much easier to be able to add a new one from that screen. Right now we have to save the t...
5 months ago in Constituents / Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

See custom field information from members on the household profile

See custom field information from members on the household profile so that you can quickly identify how the family members are connected to your organization without checking each of their profile pages.
over 1 year ago in Relationship & Households 0 Not Prioritized

Edit data in a constituent field without making the whole page edit-mode

Edit data in a constituent field without making the whole page edit-mode, so that you can update data without scrolling back and forth or seeing the edit versions of custom fields you aren't trying to update.
over 1 year ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Configure the new constituent data entry screen to not display every field

Configure the new constituent data entry screen to not display every field so that you can more easily focus on the fields you want to fill out consistently.
11 months ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Edit a constituent's sort name

Edit a constituent's sort name so that you can define where they should show up in a report that's sorted by sort name.
11 months ago in Profile 1 Not Prioritized

Track the fundraiser who interacted with a donor without using the Created By field on interactions

If i want to do a bulk import of interactions for multiple members of my team, I want to properly credit each team member. I can only do that if I can include the created by tag. For example: Several people in our organization sent 50 Christmas ca...
about 1 year ago in Timeline 0 Not Prioritized

Create a constituent in the search results box

I would like to suggest a change to the Find Constituent button. Can the box that appears below when you start typing in a name be changed to where there is an additional option to create a new constituent. It takes too many steps when trying to a...
over 2 years ago in Search 3 Not Prioritized

See year-to-date revenue on constituent summary

As we cultivate donors at the end of the year, it would be really helpful for us to have the YTD totals easily viewable (without having to toggle into a report every time or look up their YTD giving total with their timeline), to save time and add...
over 1 year ago in Summary & Header 0 Not Prioritized