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Pinned feature request

PINNED Apply other household members' payments to pledges
Allow a payment made by a different household member to count as a payment towards a donor's pledge.
PINNED Show Relationship Note in the list of Relationships
When there are multiple contacts for an Organization, the Note would allow us to specify who we contact for what and show it on the Relationships list without having to click through each person to find the right contact. For example, if there's a...


Showing 164

See a transaction's non-deductible amount on the timeline

See a transaction's non-deductible amount on the timeline
11 months ago in Timeline 1 Not Prioritized

Built-in support for seasonal phone numbers

Since there is a "vacation" tag for addresses it would be nice to have a "vacation" tag for phone numbers, as some still do have "vacation" landlines that differ from their mobile and home phone numbers.
11 months ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Don't show fields that are only relevant to individuals when creating a new organization

Why do we need things like birthdays or gender on an organizational profile? Is there not a way to customize the data we see depending on the profile type?
11 months ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Add prefix when adding new constituent via BCC feature

If adding a constituent using the BCC feature, you are currently only able to add the first and last name. When going into their profile, you have to add their title (prefix) and then adjust that in each of th name fields. It is extra work and cou...
almost 2 years ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Make telephone clickable so that browser will offer option to make call via your cell phone

Many websites tag the telephone number to be clickable and allow the browser to interpret that to offer the available options to make the call through other apps or to send it to your cell phone. This is would make phone campaigns much more effici...
almost 2 years ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

add search by zipcode

Sometimes we look for people in a certain area or just another way to find a person in case they have duplicate accounts
12 months ago in Search 0 Not Prioritized

Reduce search bar sensitivity to spaces

We have many constituents with spaces in their last names. Searching for some of these constituents is frustrating because the search bar does not recognize names if we don't get the space/no space correct. For example: Bob Vander Molen vs. Bob Va...
about 1 year ago in Search 0 Not Prioritized

Deactivate all members of a household more efficiently

It would be extremely helpful to have the option to make a household inactive instead of having to go to each individual in a household and click them as inactive.
about 2 years ago in Relationship & Households 1 Not Prioritized

View constituent summary charts as fiscal year

I'm not sure it this fits better into DataViz or Constituent Management for the category but chose DataViz since it's about a graph on a donor's record. I would really benefit from being able to see the 10-year giving summary in a FY graph in addi...
over 2 years ago in Reporting  / Summary & Header 0 Not Prioritized

Drag files

It would be great if we could drag a file to be attached instead of having to "Add File" and then search through my MANY folders!
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email / Timeline 0 Not Prioritized