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Pinned feature request

PINNED Show Relationship Note in the list of Relationships
When there are multiple contacts for an Organization, the Note would allow us to specify who we contact for what and show it on the Relationships list without having to click through each person to find the right contact. For example, if there's a...
PINNED Apply other household members' payments to pledges
Allow a payment made by a different household member to count as a payment towards a donor's pledge.


Showing 154

Phone Number Default

Make the primary default phone number type "mobile" instead of "home" since the majority of individuals no longer use home phones.
over 2 years ago in Profile 2 Not Prioritized

Automatically update constituent data when a condition is met

Automatically update constituent data when a condition is met so that you don't have to rely on memory to track information consistently. examples: Change a constituent's status from inactive to active
over 1 year ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Ability to lock a constituent record so that it cannot be merged

We have many records of people with similar names and sometimes these records get merged when they shouldn't be. It would be great if we could lock VIP records to prevent them from being merged or deleted.
6 months ago in Merge Duplicates / Profile 0 Not Prioritized

See in-kind fair market value (instead of amount) on the timeline

We receive a lot of in-kind donations. These all show up in the constituent timeline as donations with amount of $0.00. It would be much more helpful if we could customize the timeline display to show more relevant information for in-kind donation...
11 months ago in Timeline / Transactions 1 Not Prioritized

Label the interaction with individual/organization name in timeline of household

Within the Household timeline of interactions there is the complied list of the interactions from each individual and organization in the timeline. By adding the name of the Organization or Individual to the interaction title automatically, then o...
over 1 year ago in Relationship & Households / Timeline Management 0 Not Prioritized

18 month giving

We are often looking at 18 month giving and it would be helpful if this was a feature on the constituent giving summary. If it could be a rolling number that would be super awesome
12 months ago in Summary & Header 0 Not Prioritized

Move the BCC email field up on Email Interactions

When you bcc an email to a constituent it creates a new interaction that says it's an email, has the subject in the preview, but then when you open the interaction the bcc'd email is at the very bottom after all of the custom fields. It would be m...
12 months ago in Timeline 0 Not Prioritized

Return cursor to search bar after searching or deleting search string

Please make the "Search for Constituents" bar a continuous active option. Instead of having to put my cursor back in the space and clicking on it, it should be actively still engaged in that space. i.e. When deleting a constituent to search for an...
over 1 year ago in Search 0 Not Prioritized

View a constituent's name title on the Constituent Dashboard and search results

It is possible to have two donors with the same name and the only thing that distinguishes them is "Dr.". Can you add this to Search results and also to the top banner when viewing a constituent record.
about 1 year ago in Search 0 Not Prioritized

See recent constituents from the search bar

See recent constituents from the search bar so that you don't need to go to the Recent Constituent sections on the home page or constituent dashboard to quickly trace your steps back to where you left off.
about 1 year ago in Search 0 Not Prioritized