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Bloomerang Volunteer

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Ability to adjust the HTML and CSS in the page description

I would like the ability to toggle to HTML/CCS in the page description so I can have better control over how my information is displayed. For people who are unfamiliar with HTML, they can utilize this app to convert their text into code: https://h...
11 months ago in 1. Recruitment (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Public Page: Allow customization of button colors (not Bloomerang green)

I would also like to update the *button's color* to match our brand colors.
4 months ago in 1. Recruitment (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Bloomerang Volunteer tag syncs with email interests in Bloomerang Donor

We created a tag in Bloomerang Volunteer for when people say they do not want to receive emails from us. However, this does not sync to Bloomerang Donor. So if we have people in a group in BD and that group is synced to MailChimp to send an email,...
over 1 year ago in VMS Integrations & API 1 Under Consideration

Email automations based on Opportunity start date

Since Opportunities disappear from the Org home page after a volunteer signs up for the Opportunity, some of our volunteers have had a hard time navigating back to the Opportunity page to sign up for additional shifts. They also do not like the am...
8 months ago in 4. Engagement (VMS) 1 Under Consideration

Printable Profile/ individual record (as Word or some other readable format)

We interview our volunteers individually and having an easy-to-read printout (without having to export, then save to Excel, then transpose the information) would be a time saver
8 months ago in 1. Recruitment (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Group Leader Registration Options - allow group leaders to edit the number of volunteers per shift for number-based groups

We have some volunteers who volunteer individually, with family members, and as leaders of groups of 15+. These volunteers have been assigned as group leaders of Number-Based Groups, but their having to contact us for every single shift to adjust ...
8 months ago in 3. Scheduling & Placement (VMS) 1 Under Consideration

Archive Past Opportunities

We would like to have the opportunity to archive past opportunities without having to delete them so that we do not lose that data. Currently we have 30 opportunities with more to come and 10 of them have already occurred and are not ongoing. Many...
8 months ago in 7. Reporting & Data Visualization (VMS) 2 Under Consideration

Opportunity reports - Date range customization

Currently, you cannot customize the date range for annual reports at the opportunity level. My org runs on a fiscal year, so this is a challenge for us. We need to report fiscal year data at the opportunity level for some of the grants we receive....
4 months ago in 7. Reporting & Data Visualization (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Allowing Administrators To Make Changes On Volunteer Profiles

It would be easier for those who are listed as administrators in Bloomerang Volunteer to make edits to volunteer profiles. There are small things that could be changed like updating email addresses, phone numbers, availability, spelling of name, e...
4 months ago in 2. Qualifying, Screening, & Records (VMS) 0 Under Consideration

Face ID Recognition For App

Adding facial recognition to the app so volunteers don't have to re-sign in every time they open the app.
4 months ago in Mobile App: Bloomerang Volunteer (VMS) 0 Under Consideration