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Brand fonts for letters

Use on-brand fonts for letters so that the letters you generate through Bloomerang look consistent with the letters you create using other software. Note: This idea is split from fonts for emails because of different technical restrictions on how ...
over 1 year ago in Letters 5 Not Prioritized

Improve letter list navigation (search, sort, folders, deactivate)

Improve letter list navigation (search, sort, folders) so that you can organize and find letters easily.
over 1 year ago in Donor Communications / Letters 4 Not Prioritized

Letterhead background in letters

Right now Bloomerang only allows to add images in. Add the option to upload an entire letterhead that sits under the letter.
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Letters 1 Not Prioritized

Create envelope when printing an individual letter

It would be great - upon manually entering a donation or acknowledging a donation to add a print option for the envelope as well - not just the Thank you/Acknowledgement letter.
about 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Letters 5 Not Prioritized

Header/Footer option in Letters

Add the option of a header and footer when creating letters.
almost 3 years ago in Donor Communications / Letters 4 Not Prioritized

Ability to sort letters alphabetically by name

I would love to be able to sort a batch of letters alphabetically by name. This would help with matching up labels or envelopes to the letters. It would also reduce errors when you have to segment the batch so that multiple volunteers can work on ...
about 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Letters 3 Not Prioritized

Format letter address labels

Format letter address labels so that you can have more control over the appearance of the label.
over 1 year ago in Donor Communications / Letters 1 Not Prioritized

Format letter envelopes

There is currently no way to format the envelope text in the Letters function. If you want the address in a different font (that matches the letter font, say) or you want the address block anywhere other than the exact middle, then you are out of ...
about 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Letters 0 Not Prioritized

Print a batch of tax summaries for the year

I saw Tax Summaries on the bottom of each constituent's Profile page, but there's not a way to print those in a batch for year-end reporting purposes.
about 2 years ago in Letters / Tax Summaries 2 Not Prioritized

Letter Page Breaks

It would be extremely helpful to be able to include page breaks in multiple-page letters. Currently, I have to add extra spaces...and it is still not perfect. For example, if a constituent has a 2-line address vs. 3 lines, it can change the positi...
about 2 years ago in Letters 3 Not Prioritized