Option to require custom fields for specific online forms, without having them be required for manual entry
Currently, constituents do not need to fill out custom fields to submit a form. And oftentimes an organization wants a field to be required for a specific form, but not for all their constituents or transactions. Adding the option to make custom f...
Option to require phone number on forms. If you want to require custom fields, please upvote Option to make custom fields are required for specific online forms, without having them be required for manual entry
Preview the default payment confirmation email content
Preview the default payment confirmation email content
(default form submission confirmation emails and payment confirmation emails) without looking up a help article.
Ability to add native fields into Constituent Forms to track things like Gender, Birthday, Employer, etc
I don't want to duplicate work in Custom Fields when these native fields in Bloomerang are already there, and I'd like this information to automatically fill into those native fields, not in the Custom Fields.