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Pinned feature request

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PINNED Apply other household members' payments to pledges
Allow a payment made by a different household member to count as a payment towards a donor's pledge.
PINNED Apply third party gifts (soft credits) to pledges
Allow a payment sent through a third party intermediary (ie donor advised fund, workplace giving program, United Way) to count as a payment towards a donor's pledge.

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Showing 502

Way to search for a constituent by name if they have a one-character name

Way to search for a constituent by name if they have a one-character name without either adding details to one of their name fields or pulling a report. example: "X" instead of "X (formerly known as Twitter)"
almost 2 years ago in Search 0 Not Prioritized

Indicate which tribute(s) a constituent is the notificant for on their constituent record

Easily if a constituent is a notificant for any tributes so you have that context handy in your converstations with them.
over 2 years ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized