Acknowledgement tasks should have the option to turn into acknowledgements on transactions
When a task with the purpose of acknowledgement is completed, it should have the option to apply that acknowledgement interaction to a transaction on the constituent's timeline.
Ability to add native fields into Constituent Forms to track things like Gender, Birthday, Employer, etc
I don't want to duplicate work in Custom Fields when these native fields in Bloomerang are already there, and I'd like this information to automatically fill into those native fields, not in the Custom Fields.
As we move towards texting our donors, it would be helpful to be able to easily mark which ones request to not receive text (the same way we have that feat for calls).
Merge field for notes/comments from the fundraiser to the tribute notificant
You should make the Tribute 'Note Field a bloomerang merge field for letters. You created a new way to add Tributes and run acknowledgement letters but failed to allow the note section as an Bloomerang Field in the letters. I could use this featur...
Track notificant's relationship to the tribute and use that as a merge field
When linking a notificant to a tribute, you could indicate how you'd want to reflect their relationship to the tribute in a letter. For example, when sending a letter to a notificant you could pull from this merge field to populate the bold part o...
Include country in letter envelopes for international mailings
I really appreciate the new "Envelopes" option that creates a pdf of addressed envelopes for our thank you letters. Unfortunately the country name is not being pulled into the address for international addresses. It would be great if you could fix...
It would be great if donors could receive a digital membership card in their donation confirmation either with a code, qr code, or barcode that stated their name, level of donation, and expiration date.