This idea would let you delete a single constituent and their transactions without deleting each transaction first. Without this, the most efficient way to delete a constituent with many historical gifts is by using the bulk delete feature.
Open the constituent profile by default instead of the summary
Open the constituent profile by default instead of the summary so that you can efficiently view & edit the profile details without having to navigate to the profile as an extra step.
Resizable text boxes or a way to enlarge text boxes to better view information. This would especially be useful for notes & interactions. My nonprofit likes to copy and paste entire emails we have sent, but the box is so small. The text box I'...
The Date of a membership schedule should be based on the Start Date, not Created Date
It's not relevant form my perspective to see a timeline with the data entry date. The timeline should relfect the membership start / renewal date to be more useful about the relationship and to focus on actions.
See communication restrictions in the constituent header or summary
Having "communication preferences" on the "summary page" would allow users to quickly access this information. Communication preference is an important piece of information related to constituents. Before we contact a constituent individually (not...