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Export all addresses for a constituent without using the Database Export

Export all addresses for a constituent without using the Database Export so that you can send direct mail to all of a constituent's addresses.
over 1 year ago in Reporting 1 Not Prioritized

Add Refunded Amount column to reporting

Refunded transactions have an amount of "$0," and the row doesn't display the original amount.
over 1 year ago in Column Data / Reporting 0 Not Prioritized

Standardize and clarify household vs constituent grouping across reports and communications

Standardize and clarify household vs constituent grouping across reports and communications so that it's intuitive how to segment your lists and communications to go to a combined household without excluding constituents who aren't in households.
over 1 year ago in Relationship & Households / Reporting 1 Not Prioritized

Alerts for when pledges are due

It would be great if Bloomerang could alert me to when a donor pledge was due. We've gone through filling in the pledge amount, how often and how much the payments will be that the donor would like to fulfill their pledge, why not send me an alert...
over 2 years ago in Calculation and Analysis Tools 0 Not Prioritized

View constituent summary charts as fiscal year

I'm not sure it this fits better into DataViz or Constituent Management for the category but chose DataViz since it's about a graph on a donor's record. I would really benefit from being able to see the 10-year giving summary in a FY graph in addi...
over 2 years ago in Reporting  / Summary & Header 0 Not Prioritized

Option to give a standard user access to only view & edit reports in specific folders

Have the ability to create folders in 'Reports' that can have user permissions (some users can access the folder and some can't) This is useful because it would make it much easier to organize and find reports. The user permission came up from a c...
over 2 years ago in Reporting  / Users 0 Not Prioritized

Export all phone numbers for a constituent without using the Database Export

Export all phone numbers for a constituent without using the Database Export so that you can prepare a phonathon list with all of a constituent's phone numbers.
over 1 year ago in Reporting 0 Not Prioritized

Calculate a member's join date & how many years they've been a member

Calculate a member's join date & how many years they've been a member
9 months ago in Calculation and Analysis Tools 0 Not Prioritized

Easier way to target a communication to constituents whose gift schedule is not automatically renewing

Easier way to target a communication to constituents whose gift schedule is not automatically renewing. The current workflow to filter for transactions whose payment method is "None" is unintuitive.
9 months ago in Donor Communications / Filters 0 Not Prioritized

Membership summary fields in constituent emails, letters, and reports

Membership summary fields in constituent emails, letters, and reports
9 months ago in Column Data / Email / Letters 0 Not Prioritized