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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 26, 2022

View constituent summary charts as fiscal year

I'm not sure it this fits better into DataViz or Constituent Management for the category but chose DataViz since it's about a graph on a donor's record.

I would really benefit from being able to see the 10-year giving summary in a FY graph in addition to the calendar year. Can you add a feature to allow me to toggle between FY and CY like you do with amount raised on the dashboard and with the customization with the donor retention?

My CEO and development committee members are very data driven. We follow a FY and being able to see a donor's giving in FYs would allow me to answer data questions more readily. Some of the metrics I have to follow are rolling year while others are FY-specific.

I realize trying to type it here isn't the clearest way to ask for this addition to the CRM. However, I'm happy to try to explain it better over the phone or email if you need to reach out for clarification.



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