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Pinned feature request

PINNED Print a batch of tax summaries for the year
I saw Tax Summaries on the bottom of each constituent's Profile page, but there's not a way to print those in a batch for year-end reporting purposes.

Donor Communications

Showing 112

Add constituent to a specific group when they submit an online form

I need the ability for a user filling out a Constituent form to be automatically added to a specific User Group based on which form they fill out
8 months ago in Forms / Groups 1 Not Prioritized

Option to create receipt letter during transaction entry (not just acknowledgement letters)

Currently, you can create an acknowledgement letter during transaction entry. If you want to create a payment confirmation receipt that does not serve as an acknowledgement, you can only do that from the Communications section. This idea would let...
6 months ago in Donor Communications / Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

Preview the default payment confirmation email content

Preview the default payment confirmation email content (default form submission confirmation emails and payment confirmation emails) without looking up a help article.
6 months ago in Donor Communications / Forms / Payments 0 Not Prioritized

Create new organization contacts when using BCC Bloomerang to track a communication with an employee

Create new organization contacts when using BCC Bloomerang to track a communication with an employee. For example, the system could recognize the domain matches an existing organization constituent, create a constituent for the employee, and relat...
10 months ago in Donor Communications / Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Improve tribute list navigation (sort, filter)

Improve tribute list navigation (sort, filter) to make it easier to find a specific tribute to update.
6 months ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

Letter Page Breaks

It would be extremely helpful to be able to include page breaks in multiple-page letters. Currently, I have to add extra spaces...and it is still not perfect. For example, if a constituent has a 2-line address vs. 3 lines, it can change the positi...
about 2 years ago in Letters 3 Not Prioritized

Better way to track gifts that are a "in honor of" and "in memory of" the same person

Better way to track gifts that are a "in honor of" and "in memory of" the same person.
11 months ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Merge field for just the tribute's first name

Merge field for just the tribute's first name (rather than the full tribute name) in order to create content with a more personalized tone.
11 months ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

Merge duplicate tributes

Just as we can combine duplicate constituents, it would be extremely helpful if we could also combine duplicate tribute fields.
over 1 year ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

More easily send a communication to all organization contacts related to a specific organization

More easily send a communication (like an email) to all employees of a company (eg "everyone who has an employee/employer relationship with Google")
about 1 year ago in Donor Communications 0 Not Prioritized