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New permission to prevent standard user from seeing giving information

A user permission role that would prevent users from seeing giving-level information for any constituents including: Transactions Giving-details tied to a specific constituent DonorSearch wealth screening details
over 2 years ago in Users 4 Released

Option to give standard users access to Duplicate Constituents list

Option to give standard users access to Duplicate Constituents list they can help clean data without having full Admin access.
almost 2 years ago in Users 1 Released

Automatically sign out users

Automatically sign out CRM users after a certain time to protect donor data from in person access or online hacking attempts.
8 months ago in Users 0 Released

Option to give standard users access to Forms

Option to give standard users access to online forms so you don't have to promote them to an admin or do it for them.
about 2 years ago in Online Fundraising / Users 0 Released

Option to give a standard user access to view and edit only transactions they created

Current paths to see recently created transactions is via reports, which this user can't access. It may be difficult for them to keep track of their data entry progression throughout the day if they need an overview instead of looking at one const...
almost 2 years ago in Users 0 Released