Import tasks from a csv so that you can organize your cultivation plans in a spreadsheet instead and add them all at once instead of in batches or one-by-one.
Enhanced filters and navigation for the import template list
Enhanced navigation for the import template list. Examples: See additional metadata like the most recent date the import template was used, who created it. Sort based on name, and other metadata Filter based on metadata
Save an import after the fields are mapped without running it
When doing an import, file 'clean up' is often necessary to make certain that all the data is imported correctly. It is often difficult to know what needs to be cleaned up until after all the field matching between the csv file and Bloomerang fiel...
When importing transaction data from offline or third party sites, I would like to have access to the Bloomerang field under "Acknowledgements" called "Assign Letter" that shows up when you manually enter a donation. If I could add that field to m...
Add an External ID field to constituents so that you can use it as a unique identifier in scenarios like: importing updates from another system searching for a constituent Current workflows without this are for the other system to build an integra...