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Categories Import
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 26, 2023

Import tasks

Import tasks from a csv so that you can organize your cultivation plans in a spreadsheet instead and add them all at once instead of in batches or one-by-one.

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  • Guest
    Jun 10, 2024

    There is no data for me to create a constituent report b/4 a bulk task upload. So, first I have to upload a fake NOTE to all of the appropriate constituents, then create a CONSTITUENT report to find those fake NOTES, create the bulk TASKS, then go back and delete the fake NOTES to clean up everyone's TIMELINES. It would be a lot easier if I could upload a .csv of TASKS just like NOTES.

  • Guest
    Dec 7, 2023

    We run reports to get a list of people that need to be called. We then create tasks for 3 of our staff to make the calls, about 30 a week. Adding the task from the report sort works but does not allow us to easily change due date or who is calling.

    I would love to have the ablity to import tasks.

  • Guest
    Sep 7, 2023

    We use a 365-Day Onboarding Plan for New Givers that has 5 things we do after someone gives for the first time.

    I add the same description and have a basic Note template that we add. It references a Google Document with Instructions to the User Name. It is time consuming to add these manually.

    Could we please add this asap? I can send Pizza to the team to make a rush on this!