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Data Tools

Showing 78

Import recurring payments

Connect imported transactions to existing recurring gift schedules so they're categorized as recurring payments (rather than donations).
over 2 years ago in Import 2 Not Prioritized

Import pledge payments

Connect imported transactions to existing pledges so they're categorized as pledge payments (rather than donations).
over 2 years ago in Import 6 Not Prioritized

Create a new household via imports

Use the information from an external source to create households in Bloomerang.
over 2 years ago in Import / Relationship & Households 3 Not Prioritized

Import relationships

A way to create relationships between constituents based on data in an external file (eg when onboarding from a legacy CRM system) Either: When importing new constituents, indicate how they should be related to existing constituents in your databa...
over 2 years ago in Import 1 Not Prioritized

See an alert on the constituent profile if they have any potential duplicates

See an alert on the constituent profile if they have any potential duplicates so that you can review & resolve the duplicates while you're already working on their profile.
7 months ago in Merge Duplicates / Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Review which import rows will create new constituents vs update existing constituents

Better support for troubleshooting and correcting information when constituents in the import file don't match an existing constituent record.
over 2 years ago in Import 1 Not Prioritized

Import an attachment to be linked to each interaction created via the import

Import an attachment to be linked to each interaction created via the import so that you can keep a record of the email or letter content that was the constituent received even when it wasn't generated by Bloomerang.
10 months ago in Import 1 Not Prioritized

Check for potential duplicates when creating a new constituent

Check for potential duplicates when creating a new constituent so you can update the existing constituent right away instead of checking the duplicate constituents tool later.
over 1 year ago in Merge Duplicates 0 Not Prioritized

Bulk update constituents to be head of household

Bulk update constituents to be head of household
3 months ago in Bulk Update 0 Not Prioritized

Import pledges

Create a list of pledges from an external file.
over 2 years ago in Import 2 Not Prioritized