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Automatically update constituent data when a condition is met

Automatically update constituent data when a condition is met so that you don't have to rely on memory to track information consistently. examples: Change a constituent's status from inactive to active
about 1 year ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Phone Number Default

Make the primary default phone number type "mobile" instead of "home" since the majority of individuals no longer use home phones.
over 2 years ago in Profile 2 Not Prioritized

Enhance constituent audit trail to show which fields were updated

Enhance constituent audit trail to show which fields were updated so you can see which information changed in the most recent update.
over 1 year ago in Profile 1 Not Prioritized

Merge constituents from the profile without changing their type first

Merge an organization and individual constituent record from the profile page, without having to first change the constituent type for one of the records.
over 2 years ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

More easily access the delete, merge, and change type workflows for constituents

The workflows to delete, merge, and change type for a constituent can be hard to find because they're only accessible after clicking a small arrow on profile page. This change would make these workflows more transparent so you don't need to chat s...
about 2 years ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Enhance constituent audit trail to show each time the constituent was updated

More granular audit trail of each time a constituent is updated so that you can see each time the constituent was updated, not just the most recent update date.
over 1 year ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Customize the formula for formal names for your organization

Customize the formula for formal names for your organization so you can get the precise naming conventions you prefer without updating all the formal names by hand or via an import.
over 1 year ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Additional options in the preferred communication channel

Additional options in the preferred communication channel, such as video call or in person.
9 months ago in Donor Communications / Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Track the data source for each piece of contact information

Track the data source for each piece of contact information so that you can gauge it's accuracy based on whether it was provided by the constituent or was looked up internally
9 months ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Track which constituents are not potential donors

Track which constituents are not potential donors so they can be excluded from the prospective donor group without being deactivated.
9 months ago in Groups / Profile 0 Not Prioritized