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Attach files to a constituent profile

Upload a file attachment to a constituent without linking it to a transaction, interaction, or timeline note.
over 1 year ago in Profile 1 Not Prioritized

Default the Address, Email, and Phone types for new Organization constituents to "Work" instead of "Home"

When you create an organization constituent, you shouldn’t have to manually change the contact information from “Home” to “Work”.
over 2 years ago in Profile 2 Not Prioritized

Mark whether a phone number is bad/inactive

Mark whether a phone number is bad so that you can hang onto old contact information without accidentally thinking it's still good or jotting it down in a timeline note.
over 1 year ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Automatically update communication restrictions when a constituent is marked as deceased

If I mark a constituent's status as deceased, it should make the mailing status match. If I mark the primary address as bad address, it should update the mailing status.
about 1 year ago in Donor Communications / Profile 1 Not Prioritized

More options in the suffix field

Expand the available options in the Suffix field to support a wider range of military, religious, or professional suffixes.
about 2 years ago in Profile 2 Not Prioritized

Delete a constituent with transactions

This idea would let you delete a single constituent and their transactions without deleting each transaction first. Without this, the most efficient way to delete a constituent with many historical gifts is by using the bulk delete feature.
over 2 years ago in Profile 2 Not Prioritized

Select Email Interests when adding a new constituent

Currently, we can't customize email interests when setting up a new constituent. Adding the ability to modify email interests on the setup page would eliminate the additional steps currently needed to do so. The Bloomerang default is to "opt in" t...
over 1 year ago in Profile 1 Not Prioritized

Track the job title and department for organization contacts

Track the job title and department for organization employees
over 1 year ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Select Groups when adding a new constituent

It would be very helpful to be able to select the appropriate group for a new constituent when you are entering the data. As it is right now, you have to go into profile after the data is entered and then go down and select the group. It's hard to...
almost 2 years ago in Groups / Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Create new organization contacts when using BCC Bloomerang to track a communication with an employee

Create new organization contacts when using BCC Bloomerang to track a communication with an employee. For example, the system could recognize the domain matches an existing organization constituent, create a constituent for the employee, and relat...
11 months ago in Donor Communications / Profile 0 Not Prioritized