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Pinned feature request

PINNED Show Relationship Note in the list of Relationships
When there are multiple contacts for an Organization, the Note would allow us to specify who we contact for what and show it on the Relationships list without having to click through each person to find the right contact. For example, if there's a...
PINNED Apply other household members' payments to pledges
Allow a payment made by a different household member to count as a payment towards a donor's pledge.


Showing 164

Ability to create a constituent summary / one-pager report

Sometimes I need a physical version of a constituent's profile, but there's not an easy way to get giving or other constituent information into a printable format. I would like to have the option to create a report where selected giving, contact, ...
about 1 year ago in Reporting  / Summary & Header 1 Not Prioritized

See all of a household's interactions, notes, and transactions on a household member's timeline

When opening the profile for a constituent who is in a household, you should be able to see their household's combined giving level so that you don't underestimate their giving.
over 2 years ago in Relationship & Households 2 Under Consideration

Distinguish between mailing/billing addresses and physical addresses

Distinguish between mailing/billing addresses and physical addresses so that you can send direct mail to the primary mailing/billing address but visit a constituent at their primary physical address.
over 1 year ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Preview phone number formatting before saving new number

When you add a phone number, the system automatically formats the number like (xxx) xxx-xxxx. However, you can't see the formatting before you save. This idea would let you preview the formatting as you enter a new number, which could make data en...
3 months ago in Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Streamline creating organization contacts/employees

Streamline the steps to create a new constituent and add an employee/employer relationship. Known pain points include: Very different workflow for the 1st contact person vs the 2nd contact person Number of steps it takes to go to constituent dashb...
about 1 year ago in Profile 2 Not Prioritized

Consolidate the different timeline views

Eliminate the need to switch between "Timeline View" and "List View" in order to see relevant information.
about 1 year ago in Timeline 1 Under Consideration

Built-in support for seasonal addresses

Built-in support for seasonal addresses. Some ideas might include: A way for you to indicate the date range when an address is where a constituent prefers to receive mail Automatically changing which address is primary so you don't have to remember
almost 2 years ago in Profile 1 Not Prioritized

Track just the month and date of a birthday, without the year

Track just the month and date of a birthday, without the year, so that you can segment birthday communications without collecting full birthdates, filling in fake years, or using custom fields.
over 1 year ago in Profile 2 Not Prioritized

More options in the prefix (title) field

Expand the available options in the Title field to support a wider range of military, religious, or other types of titles.
about 2 years ago in Profile 1 Not Prioritized

Option to edit an address for multiple household members

When you edit an address to a constituent who is in a household, provide an option to edit any identical addresses on the other members of the household at the same time.
over 2 years ago in Relationship & Households 2 Not Prioritized