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Find a tribute in the tribute list by searching for its name

Find a tribute in the tribute list by searching for its name.
over 2 years ago in Tributes 7 Not Prioritized

Send tribute notificant acknowledgements by email

Send tribute notificant acknowledgements by email so you can automate the acknowledgements and don't have collect addresses or print physical letters.
over 1 year ago in Email / Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

Create a notificant on the Tribute page

Imagine if there were a way to set up a new notificant record from right on the Tribute page - a shortcut to add just the most relevant information like: First and Last Name Contact info (likely address or email) Constituent status (if you don't w...
over 2 years ago in Tributes 2 Not Prioritized

Adding multiple tributes to a single gift

We often have donors who give one gift and ask for multiple tributes. It would be helpful if we could assign multiple tributes to one gift. As of now, I am either splitting the gift or creating a tribute with two names. When I go to pull gifts by ...
almost 2 years ago in Transactions / Tributes 2 Not Prioritized

Create custom tribute types

Create custom tribute types so that you can clarify what the donor is specifically honoring using the type instead of the tribute's name. For example, instead of creating an "In honor of" tribute for "Jane's birthday", you might create an "In hono...
9 months ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Indicate if tribute is also a constituent

Currently, tributes don't have to be constituents, which can be helpful if they aren't directly engaged with your organization (for example, an animal welfare organization may receive gifts "in honor of my dog Scout"). But when the person named in...
over 2 years ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

Merge duplicate tributes

Just as we can combine duplicate constituents, it would be extremely helpful if we could also combine duplicate tribute fields.
almost 2 years ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

Delete tributes

A tribute made in error or similiar to another tribute, such as a middle initial included, cannot be deleted. I am suggesting that tributes be able to be deleted from the Tribute list if they are created in error or a duplicate or an unused tribute.
about 2 years ago in Tributes 2 Not Prioritized

Better way to track gifts that are a "in honor of" and "in memory of" the same person

Better way to track gifts that are a "in honor of" and "in memory of" the same person.
about 1 year ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Merge field for just the tribute's first name

Merge field for just the tribute's first name (rather than the full tribute name) in order to create content with a more personalized tone.
about 1 year ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized