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Merge Duplicates

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Create a household from a pair of potential duplicates

When you realize that two constituents suggested as matches in the duplicate report are actually separate people in a household together, resolve the duplicates by householding them rather than merging.
over 2 years ago in Merge Duplicates / Relationship & Households 1 Released

Resolve multiple duplicate matches at once

Efficiently merge multiple pairs of suggested duplicate constituents, rather than merging each pair separately.
over 2 years ago in Merge Duplicates 0 Released

Option to resolve all the selected pairs by marking that they are not duplicates

Way to quickly say that multiple potential duplicates are different people.
almost 2 years ago in Merge Duplicates 0 Released

Add a Select All feature for an entire page of results in the duplicate list

A way to quickly select all ten duplicate constituents on a page at once.
almost 2 years ago in Merge Duplicates 0 Released