Currently - the only way to see if a new person signs up at an ORG level is to login and look for it. At an Opp level there is a way to receive an email when someone signs up - If we want people to first sign up in an ORG level we need to be able to get notified of this. This is especially important if we want to use "Manual Approval." If we don't check this daily and someone selects Manual Approval they could be waiting for days to get approved to click on an opportunity to sign up for. Which in our current "immediate gratification" culture, does not work well. The alternative (we use now) is having them automatically approved, but then we need to start the process right away of background checks, etc. So even with that we need a way to know immediately if someone signs up and fills out a profile at a ORG level.
Thanks for your feedback; this feature is now live in production.
- Melissa