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Created by Guest
Created on Jun 22, 2022

📱Process In-Person Donations Faster

What features or enhancements would you like to see to improve the experience of swiping credit cards, or processing any payments at your in-person events and interactions?

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  • Guest
    Apr 25, 2024

    A tablet reader that integrates with Bloomerang would be awesome, or even any kind of POS system for getting new transactions into the database. We might try Zettle since it integrates with payPal but would be more convenient to have sales go directly into the database.

  • Guest
    Nov 6, 2023

    We also purchased the Swipe readers thinking we could use them at events for raffles and donations but you can't connect the readers to the Stripe app and the readers don't connect to the computer with either bluetooth or tethered.

    A simple QR code or Tap terminal that automatically integrates with Bloomerang would be ideal. Bloomerang should be able to capture basic donor information from the credit card (name and address) and match it to an existing donor account or create a new record.

    3 replies
  • Guest
    May 17, 2023

    Agreed with all of this. We purchased Stripe Readers with the assumption that we could use them at events for quick swipe-and-go donations. Once I received them and tried it out, it was too cumbersome for volunteers to manage at all!

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Mar 2, 2023

    I see below some other people are having the same issue. We purchase cards readers but really cannot use them at events which is where we use them the most. We don't have time to manually enter in donor information because many people will not be in the database. They are purchasing raffle tickets, auction items and they want to swipe and go. We will have to use paypal, now Zettle for this until you can offer this.

  • Guest
    Dec 22, 2022

    We have tried to use Bloomerang at events and have the Bloomerang card readers. It is really slow and not really feasible going forward as our events are growing in size. Everyone wants to pay with CC- raffle tickets, etc.. It needs to be a simple touch and go. The Bloomerang payment card readers dont work. You cant tap a card, you have to swipe and 90% of the time they dont work. So, we end up manually entering in cc information, and, if they dont have a profile in Bloomerang, it is huge time waste. I have been looking at getting square but then not sure how we would get info into Bloomerang. This is really really big pain point for us right now. So please if this could be prioritized, it would be awesome

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2022

    We currently use Square for onsite, in-person donations and collect donor info as we can outside the transaction. Would be great to keep everything under the Boomerang umbrella.

  • Guest
    Sep 22, 2022

    I agree to the all of the other comments. We have considered using Bloomerang to collect donations at tables we have set up, but the burden of having to create a donor profile keeps us from doing so. Or even having to look up a donor. We don't want volunteers to have access to our database. It would be much easier to just let them swipe and let us connect them later on the backend if need be.

  • Guest
    Sep 8, 2022

    YES!! This is so time-consuming at a fundraising event to have to create a new Bloomerang record before you can process a credit card. Especially if you are trying to sell raffle tickets.

  • Guest
    Aug 18, 2022

    Same as previously reported. Having to add a new record is very inconvenient

  • Guest
    Aug 4, 2022

    One of our biggest barriers right now is that we have to create an entire Bloomerang record for anyone who wants to donate via card swipe. It is incredibly inconvenient. We need a streamlined event card swiping process that either doesn't require a profile for the person at all (i.e., uses info from their card to automatically generate a profile, similar to when an online gift is processed) or a modified process that requires less info to be entered. We use Square for events still, even though we'd prefer to use Bloomerang, because of the slow process to take card payments currently.