Set up some custom fields to only be available for Organization type constituents
Set up some custom fields to only be available for Organization type constituents so that you don't have to see those empty fields on an individual constituent's profile.
This would make a HUGE difference for my organization. We have some fields that are for individuals only, some for organizations, and some for both and it's very hard to get the profile set up correctly and ensure quality data entry when they all show up for everyone. It causes a lot of confusion.
This would be very helpful for my organization. There are custom fields that we would like to make required for organizations that we don't use for individuals and vice versa.
This would make a HUGE difference for my organization. We have some fields that are for individuals only, some for organizations, and some for both and it's very hard to get the profile set up correctly and ensure quality data entry when they all show up for everyone. It causes a lot of confusion.
This would be very helpful for my organization. There are custom fields that we would like to make required for organizations that we don't use for individuals and vice versa.