Combine the multiple steps it takes to create a new household into a more streamlined workflow.
This might cover updating the New Constituent workflow to handle some of these scenarios:
creating two constituents with the same address easily
creating a household as part of the new constituent workflow
linking both constituents to the household
Released 9/5/2024
revisiting the status of "coming soon" - any updates?
StatusComing SoonCategoriesRelationship & HouseholdsCreated byGuestCreated onJun 6, 2022
I am so happy to see this is coming soon.
I was just about to post this same request. It would save so much time and multiple steps to be able to automatically populate both household members' accounts with the same information. We are basically creating duplicate accounts (except for name) and then linking them via a relationship and then creating a household that they both need to join. I feel like these steps could easily be pared down.
Yes! thank you. It's annoying to click out of a Constituent, create a new person, then go and connect the two via a household. Or it can be once in the first person, you can create a new household, then from the same screen add a relationship and choose "new constituent" from that same menu.
Make creating a household as easy as merging profiles! With the touch of a button
YES PLEASE to this. I came in to make this recommendation and am thrilled to see it is here already and under consideration. Thank you!
Not sure why this is taking so long to enable. It is obviously one of the poorer aspects of your product when we are moving clients from other platforms. Please fix this!
Please do this! Creating households is the worst process in Bloomerang. After and event I hate setting aside hours to go back and create households for everyone.
Just started using bloomerang. But this is one of the first things I was not happy with. I totally agree with all the comments below.
I so agree with this! Creating a household take so much time. You should be able to select two constituents and choose "combine into household". You should not have to create the household first, and then add each person to it one by one.
Yes, expecially when changing head of household address it should have an option to change all household members or better yet make that the norm and have an option not to
Yes, the proccess of adding a new household takes time and not the easiest task on Bloomerang. Also, when updating the primary mailing address of the head of household, there should be an option to include the address all member or just certian ones.
YES! Please. This would save us loads of time and make our database more accurate!
This would save us so much time in creating households! We often have new donors (let's say spouses). Having to re-enter the same household data twice, then linking them, adds up to a lot of time. It also increases the likelihood of human error when entering data.
Absolutely YES! This would be a big time saver. Love the idea to simplify the creating and updating of household info!!!
This is so important and would save HOURS of time currently necessary to connect individuals into households manually. I vote a BIG YES on this!
Yes! This is such a time consuming task. If we could create a household and then have an option to create the constituents from the household, copying the address information, would be so helpful.
Oh lordy! This would save us loads of time and make our database more accurate!
recomend going a step further - example: I need to enter two new constituants, man and wife and related household. Both with same contact info (address). After entering the "man" I need to enter the wife. Please allow for duplication of contact but prompt for name entry. Then prompt for creation of Household name and attached the 2 new contacts. One entry form might solve both constituant entry and related household and relationships.
I was just coming in here to suggest this! And YES on the address sharing!! Could be a box that is clicked into to share the addresses, or a box that you click to opt to NOT share addresses. Either way, spouses should be able to share household address without re-entry. Would save SO MUCH TIME. Also agree with comment of making the relationship creation easier and a part of the Household creation step -- would be WONDERFUL!!