Potential improvements for streamlining data entry and consistency for situations where a donor does not want to be publicly recognized. Updating the recognition name to "Anonymous" seems to be useful, but not easy to figure out or standardize.
Potential solutions might include a built-in field to indicate someone wants to be kept anonymous, automatically updating the recognition name to "Anonymous", etc.
For reference, here's the standard way to track that situation today: https://bloomerang.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/5000565512#donor
For the similar idea to track anonymity at the transaction level, rather than the constituent, see this idea: https://bloomerang.ideas.aha.io/ideas/PROD-I-6688
We could also really use this feature. We have some donors and foundations who don't want to be recognized or we could even lose funding if they are recognized. Right now there is not a good way to track this.
Please prioritize this - perhaps it could be an addition to the status of the donor.