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Status Released
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2023

Track deductible amount on pledge payments

A way to track and communicate to a donor how much of each payment was tax deductible, not just how much of the overall pledge is tax deductible.

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  • Guest
    Jan 17, 2024

    This should be prioritized, as a new director, i thought entering pledges to keep track of sponsorships was a great idea, even entered in the non-deductible amount on the pledge, when i went to run my year end receipts, it does not deduct the amount, and then you have to go in and manually do these receipts. If i would have known starting out that this would come back to create additional manual work, I would not have entered them to track in the system.

  • Guest
    May 25, 2023

    YES! For year end receipts we will use the pledge payment record and not the pledge entry. All of the details entered into a pledge record should transfer automatically to the payment (deductibility and custom fields), but the ability to have deductibility information attached to a pledge payment is really important. We are currently entering sponsorship pledges and payments from an event. We need them in as pledges so that when the check gets here in a month or two it is easy to identify what it is for, but we legally have to record the deductibility for these gifts because they are not fully deductible. Currently we are having to enter the pledges and then when the check comes we delete the pledge and re-enter the gift. That's the only feasible work-around we have found.

  • Guest
    Mar 1, 2023

    I think the biggest issue here is that when we create receipts for pledge payments, they don't appear to bring over the FMV from the original pledge, and show up with a Non-Deductible Amount of $0, no matter what is entered into the pledge. This causes manual editing of generated receipts.