Product functionality to support a stewardship pipeline for major gift prospects, rather than relying on custom fields.
Examples might include:
Tracking the stage of the cultivation process a prospect is in
Assigning prospects to different solicitors
Target ask dates and amounts
Donor's interest areas
We built these areas into our profiles using the custom data fields that helps us for reporting. Enhancing the dashboard, or making a custom major gift dashboard available would be helpful for our team when managing portfolios at a glance.
This would be an excellent feature!! It would be great if they were tied to the tasks, as well!
YES please!!! custom fields are killing me and productivity
Long overdue! Please also add email triggers to the portfolio manager.
I have looker studio visualization of what I’d love to see here. It would be great to have some feedback loop from bloomerang on what are real development priorities if anything
Is this ever going to happen?
I agree - great functionality to add!
I second this request - would be amazing! We have to track in an Excel.
Find, Cultivate, Win, Keep, Lift
And add a widget to the dashboard for donors flagged as major gift candidates for cultivation - similar to the Donor Calls widget
For simplicity and quick improvement, I'd like to request a check box on a constuent's profile. "Cultivate". When the box gets ticked off, the user knows this group of people need to be kept active. The "cultivate" option for me would function as the first step within a "moves management" process. Seems this could be done quickly. One can search "tasks" or "notes" perhaps - but that is lot of work vs. a quick search for all marked "cultivate". I use this a lot in our prior database.