Adding merge variables in the subject line, especially the FIRST NAME. For an email communications tool, it is an extremely important feature for improving open and click-through rate (CTR).
ADD THIS FEATURE. But also this portal didn't catch that I literally just submitted this same query on the advice of your help desk response when I asked about it. [insert eyeroll emoji]
PLEASE ADD THIS FEATURE. I am getting a ridiculous number of texts and emails during campaign season and every one of them is using my first name in the subject line. You are letting your customers down by not having this feature!
Thank you all for your comments! We are actively reviewing this need for prioritization. We understand its importance to our users. It is under Consideration for a future release.
We recently got an email from bloomerang, with my first name in the subject line! I was so excited and went to check, and couldn't do it. So I replied to the email asking how they did it, but we couldnt. Was told that even bloomerang does not use their own product.
In addition to NOT being able to add merge variables (name, town, anything) you also do not allow emojis in the subject line. This product needs to be improved for the love of fundraising marketers on your platform. Please! Pretty please. We need help out here. Thank you!
Please prioritze, I just made a request too!
Please prioritize. All data seems to indicate that this increases open rates!
How has this been under consideration for an entire year (based on this comment thread)? Please do better.
ADD THIS FEATURE. But also this portal didn't catch that I literally just submitted this same query on the advice of your help desk response when I asked about it. [insert eyeroll emoji]
PLEASE ADD THIS FEATURE. I am getting a ridiculous number of texts and emails during campaign season and every one of them is using my first name in the subject line. You are letting your customers down by not having this feature!
I would also like to add in icons, like emojis, and merge fields to email subject lines.
Thank you all for your comments! We are actively reviewing this need for prioritization. We understand its importance to our users. It is under Consideration for a future release.
We recently got an email from bloomerang, with my first name in the subject line! I was so excited and went to check, and couldn't do it. So I replied to the email asking how they did it, but we couldnt. Was told that even bloomerang does not use their own product.
This is such an important feature that email needs to have!
Please add this feature. You are letting down the email marketers by failing to do anything to improve your email product.
Read this blog:
In addition to NOT being able to add merge variables (name, town, anything) you also do not allow emojis in the subject line. This product needs to be improved for the love of fundraising marketers on your platform. Please! Pretty please. We need help out here. Thank you!
Please add this feature. We would love to see a higher click rate!
Please prioritize this request! Studies have shown that using names in email subjects increases open rates!
Would love to have this feature - so important!
Please prioritize! This helps increase open rates!