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Adding a section to track a tributes date of passing

Having a field to track the day someone passed away. This would be very helpful for anniversary letters to families and people who have donated in memory of a family or friend. It would save time when generating letters and reports on tributes who...
over 2 years ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

When searching for a tribute, show if it's in honor or memory

When you search for someone in the tribute section of a donation, if they are already added it needs to show if that person was added for honor or in memory.
about 1 year ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Merge field for notes/comments from the donor to the tribute notificant

Some tribute donors include a personal note to be shared with the notificant. We would like a way to automate adding these to the Tribute Letter. The easiest way to do that would be if we had the ability to select the Transaction Note field to be ...
about 1 year ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

When searching for a tribute, show recently used tributes first

When tributes are added to a donation, the pop up box should show recently used tributes so you don't have to search a name every time, then click on it. This would save time when entering multiple donations with the same tribute.
over 1 year ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Tribute Notificant Letter merge field that lists just the donor names in a vertical list

This idea would be similar the donor address block merge field, but just listing the names. Target use case would be for users who want to share just the donor names (no addresses) and prefer the vertical formatting of the Donor Address Block.
over 2 years ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Edit tribute details from a transaction

Edit all tribute details from a transaction so you don't have to open the tribute in a new tab or search the tribute list in order to modify it.
over 1 year ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Indicate which tribute(s) a constituent is the notificant for on their constituent record

Easily if a constituent is a notificant for any tributes so you have that context handy in your converstations with them.
over 2 years ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized