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Automatically run letter

We would like to generate a letter when it is a constituents birthday AND have it create an interaction when the letter is generated.
about 1 year ago in Letters 0 Not Prioritized

Additional letter envelope sizes, in addition to #10

Additional letter envelope sizes, in addition to #10, so that you can print envelopes that match the size of your letter.
over 1 year ago in Donor Communications / Letters 0 Not Prioritized

Brand colors for letters

It would be great to be able to use our brand colors in our donor acknowledgement letters. If we could input the hex color code to match our branding in the letter (like we are able to do in the email) that would be wonderful!
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Letters 0 Not Prioritized

Create a letter for a constituent directly on their timeline

Creating a letter for one constituent is a hassle because you have to go into the Letters section of Bloomerang and change the filter every time you need to run one letter for one constituent. (These are letters outside of transactions.) If you co...
over 1 year ago in Letters / Profile 1 Not Prioritized

Include country in letter envelopes for international mailings

I really appreciate the new "Envelopes" option that creates a pdf of addressed envelopes for our thank you letters. Unfortunately the country name is not being pulled into the address for international addresses. It would be great if you could fix...
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Letters 2 Not Prioritized

Ability to create a horizontal postcard

This would be useful because it would give more options on how you would want the postcard laid out. Some designs work better vertically whereas others work better horizontally. It would be nice to have both of these options to create a good visua...
over 1 year ago in Letters 0 Not Prioritized

Format letters to create tear-off membership cards

Format letters to create printable, tear-off membership cards
9 months ago in Letters 0 Not Prioritized

See which letters have unacknowledged gifts

Could the letters show how many are pending or waiting to be processed. You have to go into 8-10 letters just to see if you have any letters to process. It shows what has been processed recently but would be more helpful to see what is in the queue.
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Letters 0 Not Prioritized

Option to give a standard user view only access to Letters area

Option to give a standard user view only access to Letters area so that they can see relevant information about letters in order to do their work but not edit the letters.
4 months ago in Letters / Users 0 Not Prioritized

Membership summary fields in constituent emails, letters, and reports

Membership summary fields in constituent emails, letters, and reports
9 months ago in Column Data / Email / Letters 0 Not Prioritized