It would be nice to be able have the social media account info specified in the Organization Settings used as the default when adding social media icons to an email. We often duplicate previous emails to use as "templates" for a new email, so the ...
It would be great if donors could receive a digital membership card in their donation confirmation either with a code, qr code, or barcode that stated their name, level of donation, and expiration date.
Acknowledgement tasks should have the option to turn into acknowledgements on transactions
When a task with the purpose of acknowledgement is completed, it should have the option to apply that acknowledgement interaction to a transaction on the constituent's timeline.
Update visual design of the Manage Email Preferences Form
Right now, all Bloomerang "Manage Email Preferences" forms look the same. They're all blue and look very outdated. I know this because I am an email subscriber to other organizations that also use Bloomerang.
It would be helpful to have a way to change the language in our email footer from Unsubscribe to Opt Out or Manage Communication Preferences. We have some supporters who aren't seeing or emails because they have filters flagging the word Unsubscri...
Need to be able to control email preview header text
I don't want every email preview header text to start with "make a donation" because our masthead has a donate button. We will have to redesign it. This is a rather aggravating non feature of your email program. In other platforms we use the previ...
Getting notified when someone else writes a note to a task that I created
When I put in atask for someone else and they want to add to the task through adding in the notes or if they wish to mark it as complete, I would like to be notified since I was the one who initially created the task.
When I click on a task, the window that pops up contains only email and not an address, which is the piece of information I need. I preferred the previous version, where it opened the task in the constituent's record.