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Need to be able to control email preview header text

I don't want every email preview header text to start with "make a donation" because our masthead has a donate button. We will have to redesign it. This is a rather aggravating non feature of your email program. In other platforms we use the previ...
about 1 year ago in Email 0 Not Prioritized

Getting notified when someone else writes a note to a task that I created

When I put in atask for someone else and they want to add to the task through adding in the notes or if they wish to mark it as complete, I would like to be notified since I was the one who initially created the task.
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email / Task Management 1 Not Prioritized

Drag files

It would be great if we could drag a file to be attached instead of having to "Add File" and then search through my MANY folders!
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email / Timeline 0 Not Prioritized

Show full contact information on tasks

When I click on a task, the window that pops up contains only email and not an address, which is the piece of information I need. I preferred the previous version, where it opened the task in the constituent's record.
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email / Task Management 0 Not Prioritized

While sending an Email, donation acknowledgment, automatically send an email or generate a PDF to print if no email address is found.

While sending an Email, donation acknowledgment, automatically send an email or generate a PDF to print if no email address is found. 
over 1 year ago in Automation / Email 0 Not Prioritized

Improve navigation to Active Tasks page

Improve navigation to Active Tasks page so it's easier to reach and begin working with your assigned tasks.
over 1 year ago in Donor Communications / Email / Task Management 0 Not Prioritized

Add a description field for email interests

Currently the system only allows for a list of email interests with no ability to indicate the meaning. This means that we have no way of offering to the donor a value proposition for receiving that type of email. Without that, many donors opt out...
about 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email 0 Not Prioritized

Increase limit for bulk tasks

Please increase the bulk task limit to more than 1000 per bulk task.
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email 0 Not Prioritized

Membership summary fields in constituent emails, letters, and reports

Membership summary fields in constituent emails, letters, and reports
8 months ago in Column Data / Email / Letters 0 Not Prioritized