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Donor Communications

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Anniversary Reminder Function

. I can’t set up a report or schedule a function to send an anniversary email to donors (their first, second, etc. anniversary of their first gift. This would be especially effective for recurring donors. 
almost 1 year ago in Automation / Email 1 Not Prioritized

Resolve multiple tasks at once by sending a letter or email

Explore better ways to resolve tasks when sending one-to-many communications through Bloomerang.
over 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email / Task Management 0 Not Prioritized

Automatically run letter

We would like to generate a letter when it is a constituents birthday AND have it create an interaction when the letter is generated.
about 1 year ago in Letters 0 Not Prioritized

Customize donor survey segment/audience

We would like to be able to email surveys to specific groups of donors in addition to using the first time donor survey, the existing donor survey, etc. For example, we're interested in learning more from local vs. long-distance donors, donors who...
over 2 years ago in Engagement Surveys 0 Not Prioritized

Additional letter envelope sizes, in addition to #10

Additional letter envelope sizes, in addition to #10, so that you can print envelopes that match the size of your letter.
over 1 year ago in Donor Communications / Letters 0 Not Prioritized

Bulk complete tasks

I was able to create bulk tasks and did so for a planned mailing (outside of bloomerang). Now I have to click each record to complete the task to save as an interaction. Since the task is indentical for each record a bulk option would be great.
about 2 years ago in Bulk Update / Donor Communications / Email / Task Management 1 Not Prioritized

Option in tribute notificant letters to show donors' information in a table format

Option in tribute notificant letters to show donors' information in a table format.
8 months ago in Tributes 0 Not Prioritized

Option to consolidate split payments in tax summaries

Option to consolidate split payments in tax summaries for situations where donors just need payment details and don't want to see details about how each split was designated.
9 months ago in Tax Summaries 0 Not Prioritized

Allow a household to be selected as a tribute notificant rather than just one constituent.

We would like our memorial letters to be able to be addressed to both members of the household rather than just one.
almost 2 years ago in Tributes 1 Not Prioritized

Don't add bounced/dropped emails as donor interactions

If an email to a constituent bounces or dropps, then it should NOT be added an interaction. Otherwise we believe that they have been receiving our emails all along. I have to comb through individual bounces and drops to know if they got it or not.
almost 2 years ago in Donor Communications / Email 0 Not Prioritized