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Ability to update the non-deductible amount on a membership level once it's in use

Ability to update the non-deductible amount on a membership level once it's in use
5 months ago in Custom Data / Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

Add a constituent to a group using the API

The ability to add a constituent to a group via the REST API, a typical use case would be any constituent who signs up to an event for a young professional event can be tagged into the YP group on insert
7 months ago in Groups / Integrations 0 Under Consideration

Add constituent to a specific group when they submit an online form

I need the ability for a user filling out a Constituent form to be automatically added to a specific User Group based on which form they fill out
8 months ago in Forms / Groups 1 Not Prioritized

Track lifetime memberships

Track lifetime memberships that never lapse using the membership management feature. This would let you can see whether someone is a lifetime member in the same places you'd see paying memberships.
8 months ago in Custom Data 0 Not Prioritized

Select Groups when adding a new constituent

It would be very helpful to be able to select the appropriate group for a new constituent when you are entering the data. As it is right now, you have to go into profile after the data is entered and then go down and select the group. It's hard to...
almost 2 years ago in Groups / Profile 0 Not Prioritized

Link appeals to specific campaigns

Link appeals to specific campaigns so that when entering a gift you only see relevant appeals after you select the campaign.
10 months ago in Custom Data 0 Not Prioritized

Multifactor authentication options (MFA)

Additional multifactor authentication options, beyond the existing two factor authentication (2FA). Examples might include: Authenticator app or SMS
over 1 year ago in Users 1 Not Prioritized

"Add New" Option in Custom Data Dropdowns when creating a donation record

When entering a new donation, have an "Add New" option for the dropdowns like Campaign and Appeal. This helps streamline entry of gifts when for a new appeal or campaign.
9 months ago in Custom Data / Transactions 0 Not Prioritized

Add "group by" view for multi-select columns to only show single values

In reporting, users can group by a column. Column types where multiple values may be associated with a constituent will group by the various, multiple combinations of those values. Some users do not want all of the combinations and instead want a ...
5 months ago in Column Data / Groups 0 Not Prioritized

Delete a campaign

If a campaign is created in error it should be deletable if no transactions are associated with it
almost 2 years ago in Custom Data 0 Not Prioritized