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Pinned feature request

PINNED Show Relationship Note in the list of Relationships
When there are multiple contacts for an Organization, the Note would allow us to specify who we contact for what and show it on the Relationships list without having to click through each person to find the right contact. For example, if there's a...
PINNED Apply other household members' payments to pledges
Allow a payment made by a different household member to count as a payment towards a donor's pledge.

Relationship & Households

Showing 21

Sort related constituents alphabetically by last name or sort name

Sort related constituents alphabetically by last name or sort name so you can more easily skim the list.
over 1 year ago in Relationship & Households 0 Not Prioritized

Import constituents into existing households

When importing new constituents, indicate whether they should be added to an existing household in your database.
over 2 years ago in Import / Relationship & Households 0 Not Prioritized

Show deceased status for a related constituent

It would be useful to list someone as deceased on the Relationship page as well as on their individual record.
over 2 years ago in Relationship & Households 1 Under Consideration

See custom field information from members on the household profile

See custom field information from members on the household profile so that you can quickly identify how the family members are connected to your organization without checking each of their profile pages.
over 1 year ago in Relationship & Households 0 Not Prioritized

Group relationships into categories

As we continue to add "relationships" with some of our constituents who are Universities, we would like to reorganize the relationships so that employees are together, and our Fellow cohorts are together.
10 months ago in Relationship & Households 0 Not Prioritized

Create a constituent from the relationship screen

It would make sense and save time that if you search for a constituent in the relationship screen and are unable to find them then you could have the option to add them, otherwise you have to back out of it and go to a whole new screen to add them...
almost 2 years ago in Relationship & Households 2 Not Prioritized

Update the default relationship role options

Update the default relationship role options so that you can use roles like "sibling", "child", or "spouse" without first adding them in custom data settings.
5 months ago in Custom Data / Relationship & Households 0 Not Prioritized

Label the interaction with individual/organization name in timeline of household

Within the Household timeline of interactions there is the complied list of the interactions from each individual and organization in the timeline. By adding the name of the Organization or Individual to the interaction title automatically, then o...
over 1 year ago in Relationship & Households / Timeline Management 0 Not Prioritized

Include household Account Number in reports for individual constituents

This is useful for when I need to import information for constituents. We like to make sure spouses/people in the same household have the same solicitor and ask amount. If I make a household import upate, only the head of household is updated. So ...
over 2 years ago in Column Data / Relationship & Households 0 Not Prioritized

Standardize and clarify household vs constituent grouping across reports and communications

Standardize and clarify household vs constituent grouping across reports and communications so that it's intuitive how to segment your lists and communications to go to a combined household without excluding constituents who aren't in households.
over 1 year ago in Relationship & Households / Reporting 0 Not Prioritized