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Tax Summaries

Showing 13

Insert a logo in tax summaries

Insert a logo in tax summaries so the design reflects your organization's branding.
6 months ago in Tax Summaries 0 Coming Soon

Add EIN to year end tax summary

It would be useful to include our EIN under our company name and address because this is a best practice for donor donation records.
9 months ago in Tax Summaries 0 Coming Soon

Current Year To Date Tax Summary

It is very useful to us to have a year to date tax summary available on each donor's profile, in addition to the previous few years. This exists in Kindful, but doesn't in Bloomerang (we just converted from KF to BL). We send current year tax summ...
20 days ago in Tax Summaries 0 Not Prioritized

Track deductible amount on pledge payments

A way to track and communicate to a donor how much of each payment was tax deductible, not just how much of the overall pledge is tax deductible.
almost 2 years ago in Tax Summaries / Transactions 3 Coming Soon

Tax Summary PDF by Household

Providing the Prior Year Tax Summary PDF by household would allow for streamlined reporting and sending of tax receipts to donors. In many instances, households share finances and do not wish to have two separate emails sent to each individual wit...
almost 2 years ago in Tax Summaries 0 Coming Soon

Include in-kind donation section in tax summaries

so donors be reminded of their in-kind support without listing a tax deductible amount.
6 months ago in Tax Summaries 0 Coming Soon

Ability to customize the format of tax summaries

Ability to customize the format of tax summaries like color, spacing, etc.
6 months ago in Tax Summaries 0 Not Prioritized

Option to consolidate split payments in tax summaries

Option to consolidate split payments in tax summaries for situations where donors just need payment details and don't want to see details about how each split was designated.
6 months ago in Tax Summaries 0 Not Prioritized

Include soft credit impact section in tax summaries

Include soft credit impact section in tax summaries
6 months ago in Tax Summaries 0 Coming Soon

Customize transaction columns in tax summary

I would like to add a column to the tax summary option for our tax letters. I always include 'appeal' on our tax letters so our donors can remember why they gave those donations (specific event, specific restricted fund, etc.). Unfortunately that ...
almost 2 years ago in Tax Summaries 0 Not Prioritized